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Less Criticism
More Love

It's by knowing ourselves, that we find ourselves.

Your transformation starts with you. The moment you decide that you’ve had enough of criticising yourself, and that you are ready to plant the seed of abundant self love, you are opening yourself up to your inner truth, your intuition. 


So often, we are stuck in the mindset of wanting to control outcomes, and we forget that all we need to do is come back to the present moment to let go of the tight grip we keep on outcomes.


Astrology, tarot and visualisations are tools that help you to better understand yourself, your past, present and future, structure and transform your life. Whilst astrology deals with timing, tarot, like other forms of divination, supports you in connecting yourself with your intuition. Visualisations help you embody your realisations and dreams and turn them into reality.


You are worthy and beautiful, exactly as you are. Your authentic being is unique and special, you are worthy of strong & supportive friendships, and of unconditional self love & acceptance.



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About Dora

Dora is an astrologer, modern mystic, tutor, feminist and mother who is passionate about individuality and community. She believes in creating soothing & safe spaces that facilitate emotional healing & deep connection with oneself & others. Her practices centre around self love, with a focus on selfcare for mothers & parents, body positivity, and self esteem.


  • Hellenistic & contemporary psychological astrologer (a graduate of Kirah Tabourn’s astrology course and a member of the 11th House online community of astrologers)


  • Community leader and founder of two active local mums groups (since April 2019 and January 2022)


  • Tarot reader (personal tarot practice since 1999 and reading for clients since 2020)


  • Cultural & Historical Studies tutor at University of the Arts London


Self Love Wisdom & Lunar Practices

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I've just kicked off a weekly video series, teaching you all about how to manifest the sh*t you want in your life with the moon.

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Dora. X

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Please note that in order to respect privacy, all names have been changed. *

"Oh my goodness, this is INCREDIBLE!!!!! You are an absolute goddess, guru and mentor. I love this. It has made me feel so great. It felt so right when I was reading it and it felt true to how I am seeing things at the moment. I will take my time with it to follow many of your suggestions because they all feel right!"


"This reading was magical. 
Sorry for the delay in my answer, I've been trying to limit my screen/connection hours :)
I found the reading super special and as if you knew me forever... 
Thanks for this perfect birthday gift."


"Could not recommend Fuchsia Soul enough! I was blown away by this beautiful personal ‘roadmap’ she put together for me, which resonated so much and it’s something I can keep forever and look back upon for guidance.

I say roadmap because it was like a reading that showed the direction my life was taking and how to navigate it into the future, through the path of least resistance.

She surmised and connected a few different themes that had been coming up a lot for me. When she mentioned that I should look at doing ‘online shadow work’, it felt so specific to me, that it was like a call to action and the push I needed to delve into my online shadow work course, which has been very cathartic and healing so far.

So much of what she wrote struck a chord and gave clarity to the questions that I had asked for my spreads. She also makes practical suggestions on further work you can try, like guided meditations, chakras to focus on or signs to look for.

I know that she reads the cards intuitively as well as giving the traditional tarot card explanations, so you get a really full picture. She is clearly gifted with something quite special and I understand that she has been doing readings this way and getting it right since she was a teenager!

Thank you, beautiful Dora, for this very special glimpse into my future and my roadmap to guide me."


"I have just finished reading my Tarot reading. 
Wow, it's beautiful. It's so powerful and helpful.
I was in tears for moments... I really appreciate this!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I know it's late but I didn't want to go to sleep without letting you know how grateful I am. Xx"


"I can't thank you enough for this incredibly positive, beautifully presented and amazingly relevant reading. 
My energy has shifted so much already. This was causing much internal and external conflict and to have the guidance to overcome it is invaluable. As you said, it's all about mindset. I will be taking the strategies on board to really harness all the positive energy that surrounds me.
You have a real gift with your energy and communication, teamed up with admirable passion. 
Sending you so much love and appreciation. xoxo"


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